Monday 19 December 2011

Part 5 :)

You and your parent are in the stage of telling eachother you love them and want to spend your life with them . Once you get to part 5 you know you want to be with this person through thick and thin, you have never be so happy and full of love

Part 4 :)

Now you are starting to feel in love with this person you are in the stage where you feel like nothing could go wrong as long as you two are together. He or She is making you as happy as you can be and nothign else can make you feel this way. You want to spend alot of time with this person and when your not with them you miss them! :)...

Part 3 :)

At this point in the relationship things are just begininng your just starting to get to know that person alot better and spending more time together. You can now see if things are really going to work out or not and if you can see yourself really trying for this relationship. But your still in the beginning starting to get more serious...:)